Michael Proksch, Chief Scientist, AccelerED
Dr. Michael Proksch is a renowned Expert and Leader with a rich history of mentoring Fortune 2000 companies. He excels in creating business value through Data and AI, delivering innovative solutions globally. Michael’s multidisciplinary expertise and a history of successful projects make him a sought-after speaker. His track record in inspiring and leading transformations, combined with academic credentials, positions him as a well-rounded expert. Notably, Michael authored a book called “The Secrets of AI Value Creation” alongside Nisha Paliwal (MVP at Capital One) and Wilhelm Bielert (CIO at Premier Tech), and with many industry contributors such as Scott Hallworth (CDAO at HP), Das Dasgupta (CDAO at Starbucks), Radha Subramanyam (CRAO at CBS). This book was just published by Wiley and has been very positively welcomed by the CDO Community, providing a framework to significantly boost the value creation of many organizations’ AI initiatives.
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