Sarah Noorjahan, Section Leader, South Florida Water Management District
Sarah has over 24 (twenty-four) years of in-depth experience in environmental and water resources and engineering projects and programs including over fourteen years of extensive QA/QC experience at Quality Assurance & Hydrology (QAH), Hydro Data Management (HDM) Section, Hydrology and Hydraulics Bureau, South Florida Water Management District. She is a Professional Engineer in the state of FL. Currently serving as a Section Leader for the QAH section. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in 1998 and master’s degree from University of Alabama in 2003. Her expertise in various fields of water resource engineering including hydrometeorological data mining, analysis of hydrologic/hydraulic systems through application of modeling tools; performance of hydrologic mass balance analyses, temporal and spatial statistical analyses of data; evaluation of hydrometeorological parameter measurements and identification of sources of error in the data; application of advanced statistical techniques to estimate missing data; resolution of complex hydrometeorological and hydraulic problems; project management of multiple contracts for hydrologic investigations, summarizing work through technical publications, developing and reviewing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for hydrometeorological data. Her leading team on all major initiatives and projects like STA Water Budget Improvement, Automation of Anomaly Detection, One Parameter data generation, Flow Single Time Series Generation, Pan Evaporation Data Automation, Lake Okeechobee Water Budget Tool development, QA Tool Development, Nexrad Radar data acquisition, GOES insolation data along with and RET and PET data acquisition, evaluate various methods of ET for Lake Okeechobee using water budget method, Bias Assessment Tool, etc., and providing technical support to various internal and external stakeholders established herself as subject matter expert in the field.
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