Ian Komorowski, Executive Director, VHA Strategic Investment Management, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Ian Komorowski serves as the Executive Director of Strategic Investment Management (SIM), Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Ian leads SIM’s mission to facilitate sound decision making by VHA for the development, acquisition, and maintenance of health-focused IT investments. SIM ensures leadership has a comprehensive understanding of needed VHA business capabilities including business requirements, processes, information needs, IT strategy & priorities and investment analysis.
In his most recent role, he served as the Acting Chief Consultant to the Deputy Under Secretary for Health (DUSH) as the co-lead for VHA’s Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) Reset efforts. His primary focus was coordinating with VISNs and VA Medical Centers on their EHR requirements, in partnership with the EHRM Integration Office (EHRM IO) and the VHA Office of Health Informatics (OHI).
Ian also brings experience leading government programs through successful growth and development using project and change management best practices and valuable interdepartmental experience in leading multi-agency government projects.
From 2018 through 2021, Ian served as Deputy Director, Office of Healthcare Transformation (OHT) where he provided executive leadership on project management, strategic implementation, and health systems engineering. He was also the executive sponsor for the VHA Change Management (CM) effort, establishing a CM training program and expanding CM Practices across VHA.
He previously served as Branch Chief, Architecture & Cloud Strategies for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), leading the effort to include Enterprise Architecture as a core part of business, IT, and acquisition practices in the SEC and increasing visibility of information across the enterprise. Before that, he served as the Deputy Director of Business Architecture in SIM in VHA.
Earlier in his career, he was Director of Architecture & Interoperability for a mid-size consulting company, and VP of Training at a small business. Ian enjoys teaching and mentoring across many disciplines, from having been a full-time kayak instructor, to a developer and instructor of formal enterprise architecture courses. He has also guest lectured on health IT and enterprise architecture topics at both the undergraduate and graduate level at schools such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Georgetown University.
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