Jordan Levine, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Jordan Levine, Lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Jordan Levine is currently a lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the Applied Business Analytics (MBAn) program at the Sloan School of Management and the managing partner of Alexandria Health, a healthcare analytics startup. At the MBAn program, Jordan supports a cohort of eighty students deliver analytics capstone projects to ~40 host companies and organziations.

After serving as a communications officer in the United States Marine Corps, Jordan spent seven years at McKinsey & Company. The latter half of his time, he served as the global learning and development lead for analytics. There, he architected a strategy and oversaw a learning team that engaged ~4,000 McKinsey colleagues per year at the executive, manager, and technical talent levels. Key milestones included the creation of a cohort of 1,000+ ‘Analytics Translators’ and the development of novel approaches to on-board and integrate analytics technical talent as well as assess their technical competence in a business environment. Prior to leading analytics learning, he was an engagement manager in the operations practice with a focus in supply chain management.

Jordan holds a master’s in engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and mathematics degree from the United States Naval Academy.

Select Articles:
“You Don’t Have to Be a Data Scientist to Fill This Must-Have Analytics Role” Harvard Business Review, February 5th, 2018
“Try this data framework for analytics advantage” MIT Sloan Ideas Made to Matter, January 23rd, 2023
“How to build an effective analytics practice: 7 insights from MIT experts” MIT Sloan Ideas Made to Matter, January 23rd 2023

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