
Call for Presentations

Symposium Theme: Advancing Knowledge in Data Leadership

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS:  For the past seventeen years, the central mission and accomplishment of this annual Symposium have been bridging the gap between research and practice, particularly facilitating thought-provoking conversations and collaboration among data leaders globally. In July 2023, some 2,700 data leaders attended the Symposium from around the world, the majority of the attendees were CDOs, presidents, VPs, C-level officers, and directors who make critical decisions regarding how their organizations should collect, manage, and use data.

The 2024 Symposium will continue to feature a plenary keynote speech, five parallel onsite tracks, and two virtual tracks. In each track we solicit, but not limited to, case studies, policies and strategies, prioritizations and alignment, and innovative research results. The themes of the tracks, tentatively, are as follows:

Track A: Public Sector (NEW)

Track B: Executive Decisions: CDO Strategy Phases

Track C: Navigating Career Paths and Mastering Skills for Chief Data Officers (NEW)

Track D: Actionable Insights: Translating Data to Actionable Insight for the Enterprise

Track E: Innovative Research and Startups: Knowledge Fit for Use (NEW)

Track F: Global Issues in Data Management and Data Sharing (Virtual – NEW)

Track G: Leadership in Actions: Success Stories, Lessons Learned (Virtual)

(See track descriptions here)


You are very cordially invited to submit a proposal for a presentation or a panel discussion. To submit your proposal, visit the submission portal through the link below. While you may suggest the preferred track for your presentation, the review board reserves the right to assign accepted submissions to the most appropriate track. Submission will be assigned to a session only when you have submitted all the information. If the complete materials including the final presentation slides are not received, we will regretfully rescind their acceptance. Below are the important deadlines:


Submissions OPEN: September 1, 2023

Submission Deadline: November 30, 2023

Acceptance/Rejection Notification: January 15, 2024

Final Presentation Slides: May 16, 2024


CFP 2024 Co-chairs:

    1. John Talburt, Professor of Information Science and Acxiom Chair of Information Quality, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
    2. Peter Aiken, Associate Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University
    3. Maria Villar, Head of Enterprise Data Strategy and Transformation at SAP


Important: As the Symposium is “Of the CDOs, By the CDOs, For the CDOs”, proposals from Chief Data Officers and Data leaders will be given priority over Stakeholders such as Vendors, Consultants, and those who may have a conflict of interest. Below are some guidelines for your proposal:

    1. What’s the problem, issue, or opportunity?
    2. Why important? If so, why it has not been solved yet?
    3. Your proposed solution, contribution, focus, etc. If selected.


Authorization to Present and Publish: Speakers must obtain all appropriate authorization and clearance for final materials submitted to, presented at, and included in the Symposium and Proceedings. Once accepted for presentation and inclusion in the Symposium Proceedings, all documents, along with any audio or video recordings of presentations, shall become permanent records of the Symposium, and will be made available to the public internationally.


Criteria: Acceptance of proposals or presentations will be based on the following major criteria:

    1. Appropriateness to the CDOIQ Symposium
    2. Relevant to the CDO Role
    3. Relevance to the track
    4. Originality of the proposal
    5. Not promoting a particular vendor, vendor product, or speakers